
The Bestiary is an encyclopedia that focuses on all kinds of animals, monsters and demons. It contains detailed descriptions and illustrations of various creatures. In the many monasteries and churches in the dark world of Darkest Blood, bestiaries are often used as moral teachings and the creatures are interpreted symbolically. But adventurers and demon hunters also use them to study their enemies. Here you can find the Darkest Blood bestiary, which will be added to as the story progresses.


Beastly animals

In the different kingdoms there are all kinds of animal creatures. From harmless deer or even smaller animals like rabbits or squirrels that live in harmony with nature and humans, there are also more dangerous creatures that populate the forests, streams and caves. Often mistakenly considered beasts by wandering travelers, their origin is uncertain, but they are especially distinguished by their similarity to other species. The karrak, for example. They are almost unknown in the West, but there seems to be an undisputed connection to domesticated dogs and also to wolves. They hunt in packs and are skilled hunters, but often look like hybrid creatures, for the evolution and spread of which even the brightest minds in the kingdoms can find no explanation. A connection to the wizards, who sought to create new creatures through their knowledge, is seen as true by as many people as it is dismissed as nonsense.


Ghosts are restless souls who cannot detach themselves from the world of the living. Ghosts are often people who have died an unnatural death. Some of them want to take revenge on those people who harmed them while they were alive, or have a general grudge against humanity and develop into vengeful spirits who, among other things, prey on innocent people.

A soul can also be held in the world of the living by a curse. Usually, these spirits are then bound to an object, such as a piece of jewelry, which must be destroyed or returned to the corpse of the afflicted person so that the troubled soul can find peace. Spirits can also be invoked for abusive purposes. Thus, through certain rituals, it is possible to summon a spirit of vengeance and bind it to a person so that he or she will be persecuted. This type of invocation is difficult to solve and requires special knowledge of necromancy.

Ghosts Darkest Blood Bestiary

Mysticals Darkest Blood Bestiary


Mysticals are of divine origin and often serve as guardians of important aspects of life. Nymphs, for example, protect nature and draw their powers from it. Some mystical beings were once human, like nymphs, who were often mistakenly persecuted as witches before becoming guardians of nature. However, these beings can also be malevolent if they angered the gods and were cursed as a result. Compared to the Cursed Ones, they are more powerful and older, having been created by the gods. Mystical beings combine mythology and reality, teach us about nature and remind us of the mysteries and wonders that surround the world.

Legends tell us that mystical beings were created directly by the gods. This divine lineage gives them a special significance and power. Mostly they were chosen to act as guardians of important aspects of life and nature.

Cursed ones

Cursed ones are often described as hybrids of man and beast, restless spirits, and other beings that have taken their form because of a curse or magic. A good example of this is the Gorgons. Once envied for their beauty, these young women were often banished to an eternal life of exile by witches or envious women and stripped of their beauty. Vampires or werewolves also belong to this category, as they too once lived as humans.

Cursed humans can usually be changed back to their original form if the spell can be released by a ritual or magic. However, there are also the so-called eternal curses. These can only be cast by extremely magically gifted humans or demons and only they can break this curse again, if this is possible at all. There are also eternal curses that have such a strong effect that they cannot be undone.

Cursed Ones Darkest Blood Bestiary

Demons Darkest Blood Bestiary


Demons are malevolent and partly supernatural beings whose origin is said to be the depths of the underworld. They manifest themselves in various forms and are known for their extremely destructive nature. Demons possess a variety of abilities, ranging from curses to the mastery of dark magic. They are differentiated into the groups of Lower Demons and Higher Demons.

An example of Lower Demons are the so-called Hintz. These small creatures haunt people in their dreams and feed on their bad dreams, slowly draining them of life energy. An example of a Higher Demon would be a Succubus. These creatures act similarly to the Hintz, but they are significantly more intelligent and dangerous. Little is yet known about the exact origin and nature of the demons. It remains unclear whether they actually originate from the underworld or whether their origins lie elsewhere. The Demon Hunter’s Guild has assumed the right to act independently of boundaries and even to make decisions that defy many a law.

The demons pose a serious threat to humanity, as their viciousness and power should not be underestimated. It is of utmost importance that the Demon Hunters Guild continues its mission to protect the population from these dangerous beings.


The Bestiary is an encyclopedia that focuses on all kinds of animals, monsters and demons. It contains detailed descriptions and illustrations of various creatures. In the many monasteries and churches in the dark world of Darkest Blood, bestiaries are often used as moral teachings and the creatures are interpreted symbolically. But adventurers and demon hunters also use them to study their enemies. Here you can find the Darkest Blood bestiary, which will be added to as the story progresses.


Beastly animals

In the different kingdoms there are all kinds of animal creatures. From harmless deer or even smaller animals like rabbits or squirrels that live in harmony with nature and humans, there are also more dangerous creatures that populate the forests, streams and caves. Often mistakenly considered beasts by wandering travelers, their origin is uncertain, but they are especially distinguished by their similarity to other species. The karrak, for example. They are almost unknown in the West, but there seems to be an undisputed connection to domesticated dogs and also to wolves. They hunt in packs and are skilled hunters, but often look like hybrid creatures, for the evolution and spread of which even the brightest minds in the kingdoms can find no explanation. A connection to the wizards, who sought to create new creatures through their knowledge, is seen as true by as many people as it is dismissed as nonsense.

Ghosts Darkest Blood Bestiary


Ghosts are restless souls who cannot detach themselves from the world of the living. Ghosts are often people who have died an unnatural death. Some of them want to take revenge on those people who harmed them while they were alive, or have a general grudge against humanity and develop into vengeful spirits who, among other things, prey on innocent people.

A soul can also be held in the world of the living by a curse. Usually, these spirits are then bound to an object, such as a piece of jewelry, which must be destroyed or returned to the corpse of the afflicted person so that the troubled soul can find peace. Spirits can also be invoked for abusive purposes. Thus, through certain rituals, it is possible to summon a spirit of vengeance and bind it to a person so that he or she will be persecuted. This type of invocation is difficult to solve and requires special knowledge of necromancy.

Mysticals Darkest Blood Bestiary


Mysticals are of divine origin and often serve as guardians of important aspects of life. Nymphs, for example, protect nature and draw their powers from it. Some mystical beings were once human, like nymphs, who were often mistakenly persecuted as witches before becoming guardians of nature. However, these beings can also be malevolent if they angered the gods and were cursed as a result. Compared to the Cursed Ones, they are more powerful and older, having been created by the gods. Mystical beings combine mythology and reality, teach us about nature and remind us of the mysteries and wonders that surround the world.

Legends tell us that mystical beings were created directly by the gods. This divine lineage gives them a special significance and power. Mostly they were chosen to act as guardians of important aspects of life and nature.

Cursed Ones Darkest Blood Bestiary

Cursed ones

Cursed ones are often described as hybrids of man and beast, restless spirits, and other beings that have taken their form because of a curse or magic. A good example of this is the Gorgons. Once envied for their beauty, these young women were often banished to an eternal life of exile by witches or envious women and stripped of their beauty. Vampires or werewolves also belong to this category, as they too once lived as humans.

Cursed humans can usually be changed back to their original form if the spell can be released by a ritual or magic. However, there are also the so-called eternal curses. These can only be cast by extremely magically gifted humans or demons and only they can break this curse again, if this is possible at all. There are also eternal curses that have such a strong effect that they cannot be undone.

Demons Darkest Blood Bestiary


Demons are malevolent and partly supernatural beings whose origin is said to be the depths of the underworld. They manifest themselves in various forms and are known for their extremely destructive nature. Demons possess a variety of abilities, ranging from curses to the mastery of dark magic. They are differentiated into the groups of Lower Demons and Higher Demons.

An example of Lower Demons are the so-called Hintz. These small creatures haunt people in their dreams and feed on their bad dreams, slowly draining them of life energy. An example of a Higher Demon would be a Succubus. These creatures act similarly to the Hintz, but they are significantly more intelligent and dangerous. Little is yet known about the exact origin and nature of the demons. It remains unclear whether they actually originate from the underworld or whether their origins lie elsewhere. The Demon Hunter’s Guild has assumed the right to act independently of boundaries and even to make decisions that defy many a law.

The demons pose a serious threat to humanity, as their viciousness and power should not be underestimated. It is of utmost importance that the Demon Hunters Guild continues its mission to protect the population from these dangerous beings.