
Discover the selection of the official soundtrack to Darkest Blood. The songs were created by different composers especially for the webnovel. The soundtrack supports reading and immerses you in the world of Darkest Blood. Each track thematically fits perfectly to the storylines and underlines the emotions and moods of the characters. Likewise, it’s perfect for simply letting yourself be pulled along by the mood of the songs.

Inner Demons by Daniel Dragushan

The Solitary by Baharuth Music

A Long Way by Daniel Dragushan

Memories from the Past by Baharuth Music


Discover the selection of the official soundtrack to Darkest Blood. The songs were created by different composers especially for the webnovel. The soundtrack supports reading and immerses you in the world of Darkest Blood. Each track thematically fits perfectly to the storylines and underlines the emotions and moods of the characters. Likewise, it’s perfect for simply letting yourself be pulled along by the mood of the songs.

Inner Demons by Daniel Dragushan

The Solitary by Baharuth Music

A Long Way by Baharuth Music

Memories from the Past by Baharuth Music