Leuven Hansen

Leuven is one of the main characters in the webnovel Darkest Blood. He has left his home to seek his fortune in the vastness of the world. As a travelling merchant, he wanders through various places in the kingdom of Brunen.

Although he presents himself to the outside world as a skilful merchant, he is aware that his strengths do not necessarily lie in bargaining. He finds it difficult to sell his goods, and in Harrendorf he only has one customer who drives a hard bargain with him over prices. As a result, he can barely afford to make a living on the street and often goes hungry.

Leuven is aware of his situation, but he doesn’t want to do without the luxurious clothes he took with him on his journey. His outward appearance is very important to him as he tries to conceal his self-doubt.

Despite his low self-esteem, Leuven wants to prove to others and himself that he is brave and can cope on his own. Giving up is out of the question for him, although his clumsiness and anxiety often get in the way.

He introduces himself to Evan Dhorne as Leuven Hansen.

Leuven Fahrender Händler Charakter
Race: Human
Age: 19
Affiliation: ???
Occupation: Travelling merchant
Distinctive Feature: Luxurious clothing style
Abilities: Good with animals,
Good cookery skills
First Appearance: Chapter 1 – Red Eyes

Leuven Hansen

Leuven Fahrender Händler Charakter
Race: Human
Age: 19
Affiliation: ???
Occupation: Travelling merchant
Distinctive Feature: Luxurious clothing style
Abilities: Good with animals,
Good cookery skills
First Appearance: Chapter 1 – Red Eyes

General information about Leuven

Leuven is one of the main characters in the webnovel Darkest Blood. He has left his home to seek his fortune in the vastness of the world. As a travelling merchant, he wanders through various places in the kingdom of Brunia.

Although he presents himself to the outside world as a skilful merchant, he is aware that his strengths do not necessarily lie in bargaining. He finds it difficult to sell his goods, and in Harrendorf he only has one customer who drives a hard bargain with him over prices. As a result, he can barely afford to make a living on the street and often goes hungry.

Leuven is aware of his situation, but he doesn’t want to do without the luxurious clothes he took with him on his journey. His outward appearance is very important to him as he tries to conceal his self-doubt.

Despite his low self-esteem, Leuven wants to prove to others and himself that he is brave and can cope on his own. Giving up is out of the question for him, although his clumsiness and anxiety often get in the way.

He introduces himself to Evan Dhorne as Leuven Hansen.

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